
What is there to say about myself? Well, I’m a photographer based out of Calgary, Alberta but this is not where I am originally from. I was born and raised in Nova Scotia, and went to university there at St. Francis Xavier University. After graduation my wife and I slowly moved our way west living in Ontario, Saskatchewan, and now Alberta. My main focuses in the world of photography are railways, storms, scenery, and a combination of everything into timelapse footage.

Since I was a child I have always been fascinated by trains. The fact that these machines can pull so much weight with only a few engines is amazing. I started photographing railways in 2012, and my photographs have been published in Trains Magazine a number of times since then. In 2019 I was a runner up in the magazine’s photo contest.

Chasing storms has something so thrilling about it. Maybe it is the lightning, or the amazing cloud structures. Maybe it is the power that they unleash. All I know is that I’ve been hooked on the chase.

With my timelapse footage, I like to create films focusing on the storms that I chase as well as the night sky. Sometimes the 2 areas come together nicely. I recently released my first storm chasing timelapse film titled The Balance.

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