MNR Madawaska Subdivision

The Madawaska Subdivision is owned by the State of Maine, but operated by the Maine Northern Railway. The subdivision branches off of the CP Millinocket Subdivision and continues north to Madawaska in northern Maine.

I don’t have a current timetable for this subdivision, and couldn’t find anything recent. As such, these miles are based off of a CMQ mileage with Millinocket at 104.8, and doing a bit of math from a B&A timetable.

Station Name Mile
Begin Madawaska Sub
JCT with CP Millinocket Sub
Grindstone 113.8
Staceyville 125.1
Sherman 128.8
Island Falls 139.9
JCT with MNR Houlton Sub
Yard, Wye
Weeksboro 160.8
Howe Brook 164.5
St. Croix 168.1
Masardis 181.4
Squa Pan
JCT with MNR Presque Isle Sub
Yard, Wye
Ashland 192.0
Portage 203.7
Nixon 212.5
Winterville 220.3
Eagle Lake 226.8
Wallagrass 231.5
Soldier Pond 235.4
Fort Kent
JCT with MNR Van Buren Sub

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